The Nursery has an optional school uniform policy. ‘Footsteps’ sweatshirts and polo shirts are available for purchase if you wish and these can be purchased from the office.
During the hot weather please supply your child with a named hat for outdoor play and in the cold weather some wellington boots. Coats and uniforms must be labelled clearly as we cannot take any responsibility for loss of clothing.
Footsteps’ is open all year round except for 2 weeks at Christmas. We run a holiday club during the holiday times and this is also open for siblings up to the age of 8 years.
Milk and water are provided for children to drink throughout the day. Fruit such as apples, bananas, grapes or seasonal fruit and vegetables are offered at snack times.
If your child is allergic to refreshments offered, an alternative will be provided for them.
Lunch time is between 12pm and 12.30pm. A packed lunch is required, which should be supplied in a suitable named lunch box that can be stored in our refrigerator. At Barbies Footsteps we promote healthy eating so please bare this is mind when packing your child’s lunch.
We would also be grateful if parent/carers could provide a lunch that children can manage for themselves.
We will encourage your child to eat as much of their lunch as possible, but we will not put any pressure on them to eat it all if they don’t wish to.
A child who is suffering from conjunctivitis, diarrhoea, vomiting or any infectious disease will not be taken into school, in line with our Health and Safety Policy. Children must be clear of any sickness and diarrhoea for at least 48 hours before returning to school.
A list of incubation and exclusion periods for common infectious diseases is available in the Reception Area.
If your child falls ill whilst at school every effort will be made to contact you.
It is necessary for parents/guardians of funded children to provide a letter of explanation following absences of longer than 2 days.
If your child needs to take medicine whilst at school you will be required to sign a Medication Form giving permission for the setting to administer it. Medicines must be signed in at the beginning of the session and signed out when leaving.
Before children are brought into school with medicines careful consideration should be given as to whether the child is well enough to be in school.
Government funded places are available at our setting for all 3-4 year olds. Each child 3-4 under the current government is entitled to 15 hours per week free.
We also have places available for funded 2 year old’s. This is available if you meet the government criteria, please call for more information. Fees can be paid either at the beginning of each calendar month or weekly, in advance. All absences MUST be paid in full, including holidays. Please note that we do not accept cheques for sums less than £20. We also reserve the right, to refuse placement of your child/children if fees are in arrears for more than one week. Families from different cultural/religious backgrounds will not be charged for absence if they are celebrating a cultural or religious festival providing 1 weeks’ notice has been given.
Please do not arrive before children's start times unless prior arrangements have been made with the Manager. The teachers arrive early to prepare for the day's session and are delayed if they have to look after children arriving early. Please pick up children promptly! Under NO circumstances will your child be allowed home with anyone other than yourself or a designated carer. If you wish someone else to collect your child, you will be asked to complete a form naming that person. If you are delayed from collecting your child you must phone the setting immediately. If, after 45 minutes, we have had no communication from yourself and we have not been able to make contact with any of the emergency numbers supplied by yourself we are required by Social Services to report your child as abandoned.
Please park safely outside and be aware of other young children onsite from neighbouring buildings. The parking area is only short term for dropping off and picking up. The car park cannot be used for long term parking.
We encourage kind and positive behaviour using different strategies. However if unwanted behaviour is displayed then we will work with parents/carers to find suitable strategies that will support your child.
We intend to create in our Nursery an environment in which children are safe from abuse and in which any suspicion of abuse is promptly and appropriately responded to. Our ChiId Protection Policy is available for perusal in the Reception Area. Staffs undertake regular training in Safeguarding Children to ensure that their practice is current. We are also registered with Data Protection and all our staff have enhanced CRB checks prior to starting work with us.
We are committed to an equal opportunity policy whereby we recognise that NO child will be discriminated against on the basis of colour, culture, origin, sex or ability.
We believe all children should be treated with respect and as individuals and that their welfare and development is paramount. All children in our care are encouraged to treat each other with respect and kindness.
Initially, we would like the parent/carer and child/ren to visit the nursery and familiarise themselves with the facilities to ensure that the setting suits their requirements. Children are offered taster sessions prior to admission, as part of our settling in procedure. Places are allocated on a first come, first served basis, except where a child has a sibling attending school at the same time. Our 'Settling In' and 'Admissions' policies are available to read in the Reception Area.
Children should be discouraged from bringing toys or valuables into school as we cannot be responsible for their loss. Named books are welcome for story time.
Parents are the first educators of their children and we aim to support and complement the parental role.
We work in partnership with our parents, to ensure that children's individual needs are met. We welcome parents/carers at sports days, Christmas productions and various fund raising events.
Parents/carers are welcome to inspect the following at anytime:-
Parents are required to:
During your child's stay with us, it will be necessary to carry out routine observations on his/her developmental progress. We also photograph children engaged in activities for display purposes and to include in children's Learning Journals. If you DO NOT wish your child to be photographed, please inform the Manager in writing, so that it maybe noted in your child's registration documents.
We aim to provide the highest quality care, learning and development for all our children. This is achieved by having regular staff meetings to review and evaluate our childcare practices, by keeping up to date records of children's developmental milestones, making available opportunities for children to reach their full potential, by being aware of legislative changes in education and by having staff who are able to communicate informally, be reflective and open to change.
We create a caring yet challenging environment for the children to encourage all aspects of their development. We have a relaxed and happy atmosphere that we feel promotes the aims of the Early Years Foundation Stage.
Should you have a complaint. please speak to the Manager of the setting, Jo, in the first instance. We believe that it is in the best interest of the Nursery, the parents, and the child, to deal with complaints seriously and sort them out in a fair way at an early stage.
If you are not entirely satisfied with the outcome of your complaint then you can contact the Ofsted Office: Tel 0300 123 1231
Please telephone Jo on 01843 602189 to arrange a visit to the setting. If you are happy and want to go ahead and register your child after your initial visit then you can complete a ‘Registration Form’ onsite.